Transactions - General

a general or specific and/or a conventional or advanced portfolio ;
the portfolio includes technology, manufacturing, materials, products and services ;
the NTPI Advanced Projects Portfolio [NTPI_Advanced_Projects]
Turbo-machinery & Propulsion
Research & Development Projects
Electro-mechanical & Fluid Control Systems
Advanced Technology Materials & Manufacturing
Technology, Design, Engine & Production Licensing
Prime Contract & Co-development Projects
Strategic Investments & Acquisitions
Strategic Enterprise Infrastructure
Advanced & Classified Projects
Development & Acquisition
NTPI Engines
NTPI Fuel Systems

Awesome Options Integrated with :
the Battlegroup 301 Incorporated * Aeropark : Airport & Aero Industry Development Program;
Conditional Sales Contracts, Development & Acquisition Options & provisions;
Capital Vault Incorporated the Strategic Operations Group MAX RSVP Account;
Strategic Enterprise Development Inc.
Financial and non-financial investment - time, resources, assets, products, services;
Relevant options that goes way beyond conventional money only investing!
General and Specific or Specialized Portfolios are available to explore and discover!